I now routinely place all my research code and data in the public domain. These are spread across GitHub and the Open Science Framework.
Bayesian data analysis tool for discounting experiments
I produced a package, currently implemented in Matlab, which conducts hierarchical Bayesian inference on delay discounting data. This package allows you to generate posterior distributions of discounting parameters.
Interactive web apps to explore how discounting works
I have build a number of handy tools to interactively explore how discounting works. These are built using R and Shiny.
- Demo of exponential discounting
- Demo of hyperbolic discounting
- The raw code can be found in my discounting-visualizer repository on GitHub
A tutorial on Bayesian models of perception
Code associated with this paper is available in the bayesian2AFC GitHub repository.
Vincent (2015) A tutorial on Bayesian models of Perception, Journal of Mathematical Psychology. do:10.1016/j.jmp.2015.02.001
Bayesian accounts of covert selective attention: A tutorial review
Code associated with this paper is available in the BayesCovertAttention GitHub repository.
Vincent (2015) Bayesian accounts of covert selective attention: A tutorial review, Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. do:10.3758/s13414-014-0830-0
MCMC utilities for matlab
This code is in flux, and at the moment focusses on providing plotting functions for working with mcmc samples.
Energy efficient receptive fields
Matlab code to calculate receptive fields which balance a) encoding information from natural images, b) metabolic energy expense.
- rf-mono-matlab code
GitHub repository synchronization for Matlab
If your Matlab project uses other GitHub repositories, then you can use this function to ensure those those dependencies are installed (cloned) and updated.
Bayesian accounts of covert selective attention: A tutorial review
A Matlab function to fill selected areas in plots. This function was inspired by a function with the same name in the Python library, Matplotlib
Keyword arguments in Matlab (kind of)
A simple, lightweight attempt to get keyword arguments (kwargs) in Matlab.