
I am Dr Benjamin T. Vincent. I have been a lecturer in Psychology at the University of Dundee since 2007. Before that, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Bristol, UK with Prof. Tom Troscianko and Prof Iain D. Gilchrist. And before that I obtained both my undergraduate degree (Neuroscience, 1st Class Hons) and DPhil (Neuroscience, supervised by Dr Roland Baddeley) at the University of Sussex, UK.

Masters Students

Calum Cook

Alumni: Oisean Burnett, Kerlin Pedak, Max Dowswell, John-Henry Bruce, Richard Forrester

Undergraduate Research Assistants

Alumni: Kristian Kostov, Calum Cook, Mariam Okhai, Ailish Draper, Ashley Bedford, Zoi Asimakopoulou, Madeleine Caven, Rebbecca Morris, Vaidas Staugaitis, Louise Heron, Alexander Tan, Keith Bonington and Shauna Donaldson, Audrey Henderson, Alexander Tan, Fabia Cientanni.

Academic Collaborators

See the full list on Google Scholar.
